Wednesday, August 11, 2010


On August 4th Kenya held a referendum on a new constitution. The new constitution passed overwhelmingly. The constitution seeks to address the structural issues that plague Kenya. The constitution institutes a measure of federalism, limits the power of the president, and has land reform measures. Although I have read the new constitution I don't have an opinion about it, well, that's not entirely true. I have an opinion, it just isn't a terribly informed one. I don't know the context that the constitution fits in, and I haven't read the old constitution.
The election itself went well, this was a huge victory for Kenya. By all accounts the election was fair and the NO vote took their defeat with grace. The last election did not go smoothly, the election was not fair and there was significant violence following the vote. Many people died, one of our drivers actually saw people burned alive in the Kibera slum. Much of the violence centered around tribal tensions; many people were approached and asked to speak in their mother tongue, depending on the language they responded in they would be killed. In addition to the thousand who were killed, a hundred thousand were displaced from their homes. I hope that this new constitution sets the foundation for a stable and properous Kenya; it is certainly encouraging that the vote went so well.
I am going to rural Thaita tomorrw. We are doing health teaching, HIV testing, and a 'kids fun day'. It will be busy! I will teach the children health education and then play games. We will play soccor, or football as they call it, jump rope, and sing songs. They especially love it when I teach them American songs or attempt to sing Swahili songs. My Swahili is improving though, so they probably won't find my attempts as entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. Representative Republic TommyAugust 11, 2010 at 1:36 PM

    Besides outside assistance, are there any lending institutions there ... so the middle class can develop? Also, congratulations on your great work getting the new constituion in place. That is some fast work since you have only been there a couple of weeks!
